Proving God's Existence in a Few Words
“Our heart is restless until it rests in you.”
“Our heart is
restless until it rests in you.”
The most compelling evidence for the existence
of God is this simple quote by Saint Augustine. We might call our restless
heart by different names: our search for meaning, our desire for significance, the
fuel that drives our accumulation of money and power, but I believe it is our
soul longing for its creator.
I feel so strongly about this metaphor that I
included it my last novel, A Map of
Heaven. My main character travels to hell and is surprised when instead of
fire and brimstone, she discovers a place of absolute silence and cold darkness.
When she askes a woman standing nearby, the woman explains:
“If God is described as the light of
the world, then I can only conclude that hell would be the absence of light.
Our souls know there is a God, even if we spend our conscious lives denying His
existence. The soul understands the unbearable torture of forever being
separated from its Creator. This isolation where the singular craving is for
unification, becomes the eternal torment that is more unbearable than any
punishment. After all, one can assume that a flame might ultimately consume itself,
whereas longing lasts forever.”
That longing lives
within us until we find communion with God and experience his love. It is only
in God that our restless hearts can rest. Otherwise, we spend our days trying
to silence our longing with food and drink and money and sex and power. None of
it works.
Pope Francis
defined St. Augustine’s restlessness, our restlessness, as: “the restlessness of spiritual seeking, the
restlessness of the encounter with God, the restlessness of love.”
The restlessness
of spiritual seeking is what we find in the hundreds of names we have for God.
The myriad religions, spiritual practices, we may have dabbled in throughout
our lives. As a college student, I sought God as I read books on Eastern
spiritual teachings, New Age books, and visited countless churches.
Eventually I found my home in the Catholic Church.
But I still lacked
a personal encounter with God and an intimate understanding of God’s love for
me. Recently, I told a friend that although I’ve been a Christian my entire life,
it feels as if only in the past year have I begun to encounter and experience the
richness of life with God. A life of faith.
What changed
between then and now? I believe it happened when encountering God became a
daily priority in my life. Spending a few minutes in prayer in the morning.
Seeking God as I read the Bible each day. Father Michael once suggested we keep
a Bible next to the place we sit down each morning and spend just a minute or
two reading a few verses from one of the Gospels. As we walk out the door to
begin our day, reflecting on what we’ve read, we ask God to show us Himself as
we move through our day.
These briefest encounters create a thirst for
more of God, which grows each day. “As a deer pants for water, so my soul longs
for you, O Lord.”
At the center of
of this longing for God is the most essential: we must experience God’s love. It
sounds easy, and for some it is, yet I have often found it elusive. My easy
ability to condemn myself causes me to doubt that God could love a wretch like
me. My doubt is akin to turning my back on God’s open embrace, not realizing
that the antidote for this emptiness is Love. Pure
love doesn’t see our flaws as we see them. We were created by the source of
love to be loved. God’s love for us cannot be anything but love, because God is
nothing but love.
If we are to walk
with Jesus to the Cross, we must experience Jesus doing this as love poured out
for us. Each step being love freely given. Let’s endeavor to walk so closely
with Jesus that our pain is consumed in the flame of his heart, so we are freed
to experience his perfect love. Let’s offer our restless hearts to God and rest
in his love for us.