The Bread That Wouldn't Rise : English Muffin Toasting Bread: King Arthur Flour

I've been baking bread all summer long and loving the experience. However, not all of my breads have been this one. 

Up until now, I've only made long-rise, no-knead breads via my baking hero and no-knead baking pioneer, Jim Lahey of Sullivan Street Bakery.

However, recently I discovered King Arthur Flour's wonderful baking website where they feature a plethora of recipes and a baker's blog where you can go to ask questions about the most common baking fails that home bakers encounter on a specific recipe...which is exactly where I'm headed after I post this recipe.

Here's a link to the bread I chose, specifically because it is easy to assemble and bake, a good hurdle for what would be my first non-no-knead bread:

English Muffin Toasting Bread: King Arthur Flour

As you can see, I tried it twice and failed twice. I followed the directions exactly, so I'm not sure if it was the common issue of baking at 8,000 feet above sea level or something else?

I'm going to ask the question on the King Arthur website and I'll let you know what I find out.

In the meantime, if you love to bake...try the recipe, despite the failure to rise, it's a delicious bread!

Love xo,



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