Feeling Stuck? What to Do When You're in the Valley

Sometimes Life can feel like a series of two steps forward, one step back...despite all of our best efforts we are in a waiting place.

Today I came across this psalm and it perfectly described what the valley feels like for me right now. I'm working on several different projects, sending out emails, and in every case getting no reply...or at best another closed door.

I remembered the old days,
    went over all you’ve done, pondered the ways you’ve worked,
Stretched out my hands to you,
    as thirsty for you as a desert thirsty for rain.

Like David says at the start of this psalm, I remember the old days when it felt as if I went from one success to the next, when everything seemed to flow easily.

Hurry with your answer, God!
    I’m nearly at the end of my rope.
Don’t turn away; don’t ignore me!
    That would be certain death.

When we are there in the valley, it can feel more discouraging than even failure...because at least with failure, we can see the results of our actions.

The valley feels different...it feels like a no-mans land where we are neither moving forward nor backward. We are just running in place.

When we are in this place, it's important not to give up, but to keep pushing forward, to rest, take care of ourselves, so that we will have the energy to keep working toward our goal, even when we can't see our progress.

If you wake me each morning with the sound of your loving voice,
    I’ll go to sleep each night trusting in you.
Point out the road I must travel;
    I’m all ears, all eyes before you.

 Remember that even in the midst of our valley, God loves us. He is ready to show us where to go next, to point the way out of the valley, if we are ready to trust Him.

Save me from my enemies, God
    you’re my only hope!
Teach me how to live to please you,
    because you’re my God.
Lead me by your blessed Spirit
    into cleared and level pastureland.

While we are waiting on God, let's turn our attention to Him, see His plans for our lives by studying His Word, by praying, and taking time each day to look at listen for His directions.

 Keep up your reputation, God—give me life!
    In your justice, get me out of this trouble!
In your great love, vanquish my enemies;
    make a clean sweep of those who harass me.
And why? Because I’m your servant.

~ Psalm 143: 5-12 (The Message)

I'm in the valley, but I know that God is with me and that as I continue to seek Him, I will find my way out and into the 'cleared and level pastureland' that is my future.

I hope you'll keep trusting God wherever you are today and know that He has a beautiful plan for your life.




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