Let's Trade Reviews!

I have been madly participating on the Community boards on Amazon.com to promote my debut novel: Mrs. Tuesday's Departure. Because reader reviews of a book can be an integral part of the buyer's decision making process, I've offered to trade reviews with some of my fellow kindle book authors.

If you've recently published a book, kindle or otherwise and would like to trade reviews, please leave a comment below and I will contact you so that we can swap book info.

If you don't have a book to promote but you've bought Mrs. Tuesday's Departure, please leave a review on the book's Amazon site: here.

Thank you!!!!


Rachel Howzell said…
Hey, Suzanne. I'm interested in trading reviews. My Kindle book just published this week, and I'm the author of another novel as well. You can contact me at my blog: http://www.writinginmycar.blogspot.com
Tracy L. Conway said…
Hi Suzanne, I saw your post on the Amazon Women Writer's indie forum and I am interested in trading reviews! For some reason many people hesitate to do so, but I am more than happy to reciprocate. My book is on Kindle and Paperback on Amazon. Here is the link for the book, one link leads to another! http://www.amazon.com/Wandered-New-Orleans-Poems-South/dp/145380076X

check it out and let me know if you'd be interested in trading. You can contact me at tracy@tracyconway.com or visit my website at www.tracyconway.com Thanks Suzanne!
Kelly McMichael said…
Hi Suzanne, I found your link via Elizabeth's blog, Gifts of the Journey. I have a mystery that I'm just about to wrap up that I'm seriously considering publishing via Kindle. So far, all my published books are non-fiction and through traditional publishers. I might add that I've made virtually nothing from any of them so going the Kindle/e-book route is very enticing.

I purchased your book earlier in the week, and I'd love to review it. I'd also like to send you a link for my book when it is published, if you are willing.

Thanks for all the good information about the potential to e-publish!

Kelly McMichael
Thea Atkinson said…
I do would be interested in trading reviews. I have a few books to choose from but I'd prefer One Insular Tahiti, or my new release: Anamoly

feel free to msg me at theaexcerpts@gmail.com to get this thing started.

looking forward to hearing from you
Dakota Balmore said…

I downloaded a sample of your book, and found it quite well-written. I've recently put up my own, A Tiger's Heart, the story of a woman who disguises herself as a man and fights in the Civil War as a Union captain. I'd like to trade reviews with you. I'd also like to ask if you put up your book on the Kindle or did Smashwords do it? The sample I downloaded had no paragraph indents. You can reach me through my publisher's email, scriptor@eugeneorlando.com (Scriptor Publishing Company, Inc. www.ScriptorPublishing.com)
Hey, Suzanne! Just posted my review. I enjoyed reading Mrs. Tuesday's Departure. Good luck with everything!


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