25 September

Here's just how weird life can be: Last week I'd completely written off Lake Tahoe. I made an aggressive offer on a rental house, which I didn't expect to be accepted and then flew home at peace that I needed to move on to a more affordable town.

This week I've been trying to find rental home prospects in Evergreen and Colorado Springs. You wouldn't believe how difficult this is turning out to be: there seem to be few houses available, especially in Evergreen, they are unfurnished (which means I would have to move my furniture out, whereas the houses in Tahoe are furnished which allows me to take a six month rental and see how things go before moving everything), they may or may not allow dogs, and most surprisingly they are more expensive than Tahoe. I'm having a little better luck in Colorado Springs, but it would mean living in a sub-division rather than the mountains, but maybe that will be what it takes to get started.

Then the agent in Tahoe called and let me know that the landlord had accepted my offer. Then another landlord on a second home I'd considered sent me an email and made a very attractive offer.

I don't know what all this static means. After my epiphany in Tahoe, I expected smooth sailing to Colorado. What to do? On the one hand: go to Tahoe for six months and see what happens. On the other hand: I long to get my stuff out of storage and into a home in a community where I have a better than average chance of affording a home, which is Colorado. I really want to settle down in a home surrounded by my own things, which have been in storage forever, not someone else's.

At the moment I'm trying not to read too much into these unexpected developments. I'm still planning on flying out to Colorado next week to look around and then make a decision. I'm also going remain perfectly open to finding and realising the best place for me to be.

Sept. 26th in my email this afternoon, a daily devotion from Today's Daily Word seems particuluarly appropriate to this situation:

Today's Daily Word - Saturday, September 26, 2009

Let Go, Let God

I open to Spirit and follow divine guidance.I have journeyed to a crossroads of opportunity. This is a place for me to pause and reflect upon the road I have been travelling and the choice that lies ahead. I imagine that I have just walked through the desert and have now reached an oasis with refreshing water, a cool breeze and a hammock tied between two shade-giving trees. I have reached a welcome refuge. I experience this kind of an oasis as I let go of personal striving--trying to do it all myself--and let God guide me. A sense of calm washes over me as I release my concerns and trust that God will show me the way. I pause, I listen and I discern the guidance I have been seeking. Following the guidance I receive leads me to my greater good.

"If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit."--Galatians 5:25


larramiefg said…
You did let go and look what happened...

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