3 June 09

I greatly appreciate the feedback I received on my last post. My decision is down to Tahoe/Incline Village versus Park City/Midway Utah. You've really captured my dilemma, it's a decision about whether I want more house or more location. I don't know the answer to that question, (I can frame arguments for both sides) so I'm going to put it on the back burner and let my subconscious stew on it for awhile.

In the interim, I'm focusing on the job hunt. The stars seem to be aligning in this direction and I am being subtly pushed to take baby steps, Exhibit A: Trish Ryan has started up year two of 40 Days of Faith, which I participated in last year and thoroughly enjoyed, the point of which is to focus on something we need to address and do so through prayer in a supportive community of others, and Exhibit B: today's post over at Notes to Self in which Kyran blogs about something she's been putting off and encourages us all to take the plunge today. But the greatest impetus came when I stopped in the library and picked up a copy of a little book by Rick Warren entitled "God's Answers to Life's Difficult Questions". As I was skimming through the first pages I came across this: "The first principle for handling stress in your life is this: Know who you are. And these simple stopped me dead in my tracks. I have been searching for the career equivalent answer to that question for the past twelve years. Who (what) am I? I don't know yet. But what I know for sure is that the most successful / happy people I know are people who love the work they do, they know who they are. So, I'm going to focus on that for a little while and see where it leads.

Here's what I did today:
  • I collect at job descriptions I can mine for keywords to update my resume.
  • I apply for a job at a terrific company in Truckee.
  • I enter a contest for a free resume re-write.
  • I update my search criteria on my job search engine.


larramiefg said…
Know who you are and then to thine own self be true.

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