16 March

Livingston, MontanaImage via Wikipedia

Last week was momentous:

  • I was offered a job in Denver, which I turned down. Today, a friend told me that I should have taken the job because it was a job, it was out west, and it would have enabled me to move while earning an income during a time when jobs are difficult to find.

  • I canceled my trip to Midway, Utah and don't regret it a bit, I believe I've made the right decision.

  • It seems that I now need to focus on the job hunt as well as setting up a time frame for the move.

Right now I'm starting to second guess myself and quite honestly feel like I'm spinning my wheels. I will also be celebrating a birthday later this week, which is more like a ticking clock than a celebration. So, let's take a break and allow our minds to wander to a completely different venue: Livingston, Montana, home of wide open spaces, inexpensive real estate and a whole different vibe. Unless anything else comes up, I may dedicate this entire week to Livingston.


Jennifer H said…
See, now I want to move to Livingston, Montana. Badly.

I'd add it to your list, for sure. Are there any jobs there? If you find two, I'll take one.

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